Thursday, January 31, 2008

I don't but does it ever!

I don't love rocks, but love rocks!

plus sa change...

Things that never seem to change, and that's a good thing:

1 - Joe Paterno as coach at Penn State
2 - Springsteen's awesome excellence

Things that never seem to change, and that's a bad thing:

1 - a Bush or Clinton running for VP or President...for every presidential election from 1980 to 2011, and possibly beyond.

And yes these are your only choices

Which feels less natural?

1 - the way you felt pretty much every day of middle and high school
2 - monogamy

And as a disclaimer of sorts, monogamy is not really a challenge for me, but it just doesn't feel right somehow.

I was going to say monogamy comes easily for me, but somehow it just didn't sound right.

And after an hour or two The Sounds of Silence seem pretty nice too

If I'd been asked, and I wasn't, my favorite sounds, up until recently, I would have said:

- rain hitting our roof
- skates cutting on ice
- the solid crack of a bat hitting a baseball or even a softball
- the swish of a basketball going through a net

But I realized not too long ago that my really favorite sound is when I get home from work and I hear Trev and Emma running out of the house yelling, "DADDY!!!!"

Friday, January 18, 2008

I have a bad feeling about this

Have you ever felt badly?

I think if you asked Paige Elmore about the summer of 1972 she would tell you that I had. But it sure didn't feel that way at the time.

I suppose I should tell her that I'm sorry that I don't feel bad about feeling badly.

Thank me very much

Cheryl likes to make fun of me when I seem to seek some sort of congratulations when I have accomplished some relatively small task. "Nice job, Sweetie, you did such a great job taking out the trash!" And although I like to think I'm not that bad it struck me that in the same way we sometimes repeat the punchline of a joke after everyone has finished laughing the first time they hear it so we can laugh a second time, part of the enjoyment one gets from being told they did a nice job at some little thing, comes from getting the same feeling of accomplishment one had upon finishing it in the first place.

Really, really fascinating observation, eh?

Just take care of each other

Don't feel bad for me when I die, cuz I'll be dead.