Wednesday, December 31, 2008

But then, I'm rounding up, so it's not totally accurate

A conversation last night (Cheryl was out shopping):

Emma: "Do you love me, Daddy?"
Me (pulling her close and whispering in her ear): "More than you'll ever know, sweetie."
Emma (excitedly taking a guess): "61 inches?!"
Me (smiling): "Much more than that!"
Emma "62?!"
Me: "Even More!"
Emma (taking one last shot, taking time to think about it a little this time): "65?! Cuz that's how old I am?!"
Me: "More like 65 thousand million thousand million!'
Emma (putting her hands up to her mouth, eyes wide): "Whoaaaaaa!"

Monday, December 22, 2008

OK, do it for me...and Al Franken

News Item: Police Departments are asking people to display blue lights in their Christmas decorations to "show your support for the service given everyday by our law enforcement officers".

Along these same lines, I would like to ask that people display white lights in their Christmas decorations to show support for me and what a wonderful person I am, and if you really, really like me, then put a white candle in each window and leave them up all year long.

This can serve two purposes: One, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling about how complete strangers support and appreciate me, and Two, it may get people to STOP USING WHITE LIGHTS IN THEIR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! :-)