Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Not yet in the 100-125 demographic

I like reading about guys that live to age 113 before they die. Then I can say I'm not yet middle aged.

1 comment:

k8fh said...

Ok, so, I've been noticing tons of these little interconnectedness-es lately, and wanted to write a blog post about them, but couldn't remember what you called them, so I looked up your blog so I could find that post where you wrote about them, and then I see that your most recent post (this one) is about middle age and etc. which exactly fits with a conversation I had a couple of hours ago with Mary and Joel about how we consider 60 to be middle-aged, but then Joel pointed out that we really _are_ middle-aged cause most people don't live to be 120. And so there ya go - another one.