Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Keep that mirror away from me! No, give it back.

I realized an uncomfortable truth in myself last night that I don't understand: When I hear Obama supporters claim that people are voting against him for racist reasons, it makes me like him more. When I hear Hillary supporters claim people are voting against her b/c she's a woman, it makes me like her less. I don't know what that means about me, but it makes me a little uncomfortable.

UPDATE (a few hours later): I just heard that the Manager of the stinkin' Mets said he's getting extra criticism because he's black and it made me like him less, so I guess it has more to do with my feelings about the person before I heard the comments than anything else, so feel free to skip over this post completely.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

They Shoot Horses Don't They?

Seems to me there is some sort of weird parallel between the discussion of which is worse - to sentence someone to the death penalty vs giving someone a life sentence and what my parents have experienced.

My Dad got the death penalty 5 years ago, dying of aspiration pneumonia. My mom got the life sentence and she spends a few hours every night banging on the windows of her apartment, screaming, trying to get the attention of someone walking by so she can warn them about The Man.

I just hope the stinkin' liberals don't tighten up the gun control laws before I get to that age, when I'll scan the gunshows looking for the End-of-Life Special - a handgun...and one bullet.