Thursday, January 25, 2007

Maybe this whole Iraq War thing isn't SO bad

From today's NY Times, Republican Senator Voinovich says that he told a White House official at the State of the Union address on Tuesday that the stalemate in Iraq was threatening to consume the Bush presidency.: "“It’s time to recognize that if you keep going the way you are, you are never going to achieve what you want to achieve,” Mr. Voinovich said. “And, beyond that, it’s going to fall over on your domestic initiatives and make your presidency uneventful and not have meaning.”

I'm not sure how being responsible for over 100,000 casualties can be defined as an uneventful and meaningless Presidency, but if it means he can't wreak further havoc in the world with his policies, both foreign and domestic, then at least there's an upside to the war.

And...does anyone ever wreak anything besides havoc?

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