Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Boring stuff about masturbation and murder and stuff

OK, so I've been away from this for awhile and to my legions of readers, I apologize. My sister, laur-laur emailed me today and having just read it for the first time, gave me major positive reinforcements, affirmations, compliments and generally nice comments about this ole blog, so I'm re-energized.

A couple of things kept me away from it. One was that I've sort of set up a pattern of cutsie little thoughts, and I feel like I've painted myself in a corner (Have you ever? I have!). And I'm sort of writing too much with my audience in mind, an audience of, I think, Mike, Cheryl and Kate, all of whose interest in this site means a LOT to me, but I think I'll mix in some other stuff, like just stuff, whether it's stuff in my life or random thoughts even if they aren't funny.

Another reason I haven't written as much is from feeling a lot of sadness lately. Not like overwhelming depression-type sadness, just sadness about the way the world is. The Iraq war, the Climate Change thing, the disappearing bees, and this is going to sound funny, but the the recent thing with Imus getting fired really disturbed me. Partially because of what it said about me as a fan of his show, but also what it said about society. And from both sides, too. It upsets me that people talk and think that way, and it upsets me that people get so upset about someone saying something so stupid. I have a lot more thoughts on what happened there, but I'm not going to spend anymore time on it. Too much has been said and written about it already.

Another thing that happened in the past month or so since I last wrote was the shootings of 33 people at Virginia Tech. It was upsetting for obvious reasons, but from a selfish standpoint, which, after all, is what blogs are all about - the only thing more narcissitic is probably masturbation - well, there goes my whole audience - where was I, oh yeah, for those still reading, the second most upsetting thing to me about it was how unaffected I was by it. It was like, Wow, that's a shame, what's for dinner.

Of course, when the very next day, over 100 Iraqis were killed in a bombing in downtown Baghdad, I think it helped me better understand why it didn't upset me as much as I think it should have. It's all needless murder (as opposed to needed murder?) whether it's citizens going about their lives in Iraq or attending classes in Virginia.

Well, I have another thought about that but I'll save it for a seperate entry. Thanks for hanging in there with me, M & K & C...and now L!


Michael P. Rellahan said...

Nice to see you back.....

k8fh said...

You had spoken once about starting a couple of different blogs for different 'moods' of writing (as it were); but I like this better; all-in-one! -Truer to who you are (a mixture) and less of a headache for you to keep up with; therefore, all the more fun for us readers!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back, baby!

Michael P. Rellahan said...

"What's so bad about masturbation? I sex with someone I love."

--Woody Allen.

She: You're a marvelous lover.

Woddy: I know. I practice a lot when I'm alone.