Friday, November 9, 2007

other than that we're lots of fun!

Who changes more between the ages of 14 and 30 - males or females? And I don't mean in terms of appearance.

(decide before you read further...)

Most people I know say males, but I disagree. I don't think guys change from the time they're 14 til pretty much the time they die. Girls change more b/c at age 14 they think guys are really cool and mysterious and as loving and thoughtful as they are, but by age 30 they pretty much realize most of us are jerks, more interested in sports, beer, and food than just about anything else.

Well, except playing with ourselves...while we watch sports and drink beer and eat hoagies.

1 comment:

k8fh said...

or computers, anime and food... or computers, D&D and food... or computers, video games and food... or computers, TV shows and food.

Or electronics, welding, car restoration, computers, anime, D&D and video games.

Or running around in the rain, naked, quoting Walt Whitman...and food.

There. I think that covers everyone I've dated.