Thursday, November 15, 2007

Unless she's really into incest, then it would work the same

It strikes me that there's no better example of the difference between men and women than how they break up. A girl, wanting to do it in the nicest possible way, tells the guy that he thinks of him more of as a brother, and wants to remain friends. There is nothing worse you can say to a guy. All the guy hears is that he's ugly, and worse, that he's lousy in bed.

If a girl really wants to be nice, she'd say she's breaking up with him even though the sex is the best she's ever had, but she just can't get over what an asshole the guy is. A guy would leave that conversation on cloud nine, pumping his fist and telling his buddies all about it.

The way a guy breaks up with a girl? He stops calling her or taking her calls. Ever the more thoughtful of the genders.

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