Thursday, August 9, 2007

First Example

I recently did something I would never, ever have thought I'd do - I got plastic surgery! At least of a sort. I have had really bad teeth ever since a dermatologist prescribecd tetracycline when I was a teenager to try to clear up my acne. As a result, I had holes in my teeth, like not from the usual vertical type cavities, but like holes through them from front to back, so you could see through them. And they just kept getting worse with stains on the repairs and all kinds of yuck so bad that I was finding myself not smiling as much as I wanted to for fear of what people might think of me!!! Since one's personality is so closely linked with one's teeth, of course.

So I got 6 new front teeth last week. In my semi-defense, my teeth were so bad, my dental insurance agreed to pay some of it because it was not considered cosmetic, it was medically necessary. Now that's some bad teeth, yo! But in the end, it turned out that their estimate of how much they'd cover was somewhat disingenuous, and instead of paying half the $3500, they only paid about $900, so we were out $2626, to be exact.

So, feeling really guilty about that, I decided I would look into the possibility of a part time job to somehow make it up. Well, back at work a few hours later, Bill,who works down the hall from me, poked his head in my office and asked me if I'd have any interest in doing some part-time consulting work for the township. Giddyup.

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